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The Young Ceramists Network wishes to remind you the opportunity to publish an article for free (if submitted before 31st March 2021) in Young Ceramists in the Spotlight, a Special Issue in Open Ceramics.

Also the YCN committee, with the help of the JECS Trust and Elsevier, is proud to  announce that a price money of 1.000 € will be given to the first author of the best paper published in the Special Issue - see attached flyer. 

Open Ceramics is the official, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal of the European Ceramic Society, published by Elsevier. This Special Issue, edited by Open Ceramics and the Young Ceramists Network, aims to promote the visibility of young ceramists, Master and PhD candidates as well as scientists who finished their PhD no more than 10 years ago, conducting excellent research in the field of ceramics. From the Young Ceramists Network, we always pursue to build a platform and to promote the networking between young researchers and professionals being active in the ceramic-related fields from academia to industrial sector from around the world.

This is a great chance to be part of a unique Special Issue that will become a reference!

The deadline to submit your contribution is 31th March 2021.

Submissions before 31st of March will be FREE of Article Publishing Charges.

It must be also noted that all the submissions will have to pass the normal peer-reviewed process of the journal. During submission process, author should select ‘VSI: Young Ceramist’ when they reach the “Article Type” step.

Best regards,

YCN Committee members

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