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 13.12.2018   Карта сайта     Language По-русски По-английски
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On behalf of the IAPE’19 organizing committee, we have the pleasure to invite you to participate to the International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy (IAPE’19).

The aim of the IAPE'19 conference is to investigate innovative applications and last researches in the areas of energy optimization. It is our pleasure to welcome you to the IAPE’19 conference, which will be held from 14-15 March, 2019, in Oxford City, United Kingdom . We are planning an outstanding scientific program led by world-renowned invited speakers.

Topics considered in IAPE'19 are presented on the conference website: http://iape-conference.org/

Prospective authors are invited to submit abstract papers in electronic format using our conference abstract submission system.
• Abstract submission is extended to 28 December 2018 .
• To submit your abstract, please read the submission guidelines and use the following submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iape19
• If you have problems with submitting your abstract using the online submission system, you can submit it directly to the following emails: iape.oxford@gmail.com or contact@iape-conference.org
All accepted abstracts will be published in the IAPE’19 conference proceedings ( ISBN: 978-1-912532-05-6 ) which will be submitted to SCOPUS and Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index - CPCI (ISI Web of Science) for indexation.

All accepted and registered authors will be invited to submit an extended version of their abstracts to be published by Springer (SN Applied Sciences) . All publications will also be indexed in Scopus and Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science).

Selected best papers, will be invited to be published in high quality supporting journals such as:
• International Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier, Thomson Reuters, Impact Factor: 5.715)
• International Journal of Energies (MDPI, Thomson Reuters, Impact Factor: 2.676)
• International Journal of Applied Sciences (MDPI, Thomson Reuters, Impact Factor: 1.689)
• Energy & Environment (SAGE, Thomson Reuters, Impact Factor: 0.302)
• International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies (OXFORD Press, Thomson Reuters)
• International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IGI Global, Thomson Reuters)
• International Journal of Future Cities and Environment (Springer)

Accepted abstracts and the conference E-proceedings can be found at the following link : http://iape-conference.org/index.php/accepted-papers

Looking forward to hearing back from you and welcoming you in IAPE’19, Oxford on 14-15 March 2019.

Best regards,

IAPE’19 Chair.
International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy (IAPE’19)
Venue: St Cross College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Email: contact@iape-conference.org iape.oxford@gmail.com
Web site: http://iape-conference.org/

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